Sunday, June 16, 2013

Heidelberg Castle in Heidelberg

I recently found out that I have distant relatives in Heidelberg, so I have added a destination to my trip. When I started telling my friends I was going there, they told me unanimously to make sure the Heidelberg Castle is on my must-see list, or as I call it, Hot Spot. With an entrance fee of only 3 euros, there is no excuse!

The castle is perched 300 feet above the town, so you can only imagine the breathtaking views. It began construction in 1300 and was at the peak of its glory in the 16th and 17th centuries during the Wittelsbach dynasty. Interestingly enough, each building highlights a different period of German architecture. Sadly, the Heidelberg Castle was never completed, but the magnificence of its former glories are reflected in its grandeur . You can stroll the castles interiors, the Otto-Heinrich pharmacy wing, the pleasure gardens and endless scenic trails that help you relax in the solemnity of country life.

There is a humorous legend that circle the castle walls. In 1751, the world’s largest wine barrel, known as the Heidelberg Tun, was constructed to house the wine paid as taxes by wine growers. The court jester who guarded the cask was supposedly a big wine drinker. Legend has it that he died when he mistakenly drank a glass of water.

Below is a short video introducing Heidelberg and its magnificent castle. The views are astounding.

The Heidelberg Castle hosts two events that I wont be able to take advantage of, but hopefully you will be able to.
  • On Saturdays, a special guided tour called “The Life at Court” presents insights to the lives led by those who resided in the castle.
  • The first Saturday of June & September and the second Saturday of July mark the dates of the famous firework displays, known as the “Schlossbeleuchtung.” These events are done in commemoration of the three times the castle went up in flames (1689, 1693, and 1764). The first two time were due to wars with the French and the last time by lighting.
Either of these events would certainly make your trip to the Heidelberg Castle more memorable. And when you have your next a glass of wine, make sure to salute to the silly drunken court jester.

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